Cookie Policy

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The current Cookie Policy represents the Extended Information on Cookies regarding the use of Cookies by the website (the "Website") owned by VirtSYS IT S.r.l.s. Unipersonale, with registered office in Gela (CL), via Venezia 175, zip code 93012, VAT number 02111100851, email: [email protected] (hereinafter referred to as the "Owner"). This Cookie Policy is an integral part of the Privacy Policy of the Website. Users may exercise the rights provided by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and related implementation regulations (hereinafter the "Regulation" or "Applicable Regulations"), by sending a specific communication to the Owner or by using the form to exercise the rights of data subjects, available at this link, which should be sent, duly completed and signed, along with any attachments, to the Owner via email at: [email protected]. To modify cookie settings, users can use the button located at the bottom left of the Website, shaped like a circle containing the representation of a padlock. Users can express their preferences and consent to the use of cookies through explicit acceptance on the Cookie Banner or the Brief Cookie Policy, which will also provide information about the cookies used by this Website.

What are cookies

Cookies are small text files used by websites to make the User's browsing experience more efficient, and they are stored on the User's browser to be reused in subsequent visits. Cookies serve different functions. Some cookies are used to improve the functionality and navigation of this website (technical cookies). Others are used to monitor users during their browsing sessions (statistical analysis cookies), record information about their interests (profiling cookies), and analyze their readings and hobbies to personalize the advertising shown when they open emails, browse social networks, or other web pages. Cookies are also used to personalize content, provide social media features, and analyze traffic. Cookies can be classified as first-party cookies or third-party cookies, depending on whether they are installed by the visited website or by third-party sites. In their browser, Users can set Privacy preferences to not store cookies, delete them after each visit or when they close the browser, or accept only the cookies from the website and not those from third parties. This website uses technical cookies, statistical analysis cookies, profiling cookies, both first-party and third-party cookies, which are listed in more detail in this information.

Cookies used through this Site

A) Technical Cookies

Technical cookies are those that do not require the User's consent, as they are installed to facilitate the User's navigation on the Website and allow them to fully utilize its features. These are first-party cookies, as they are installed through the Website and are related to navigation. Therefore, they are usually stored for the duration of the session and are deleted when the session is closed. These cookies are also used to store some User preferences for subsequent visits, and for this reason, they can remain persistently installed until they expire or until the User deletes them.

Name Scope Expiration
CookieConsent Stores the user's consent status for cookies on the current domain. 1 year
crisp-client%2Fsession%2F#GUID# Technical Cookie - Stores the user's connection to a chat session 6 months
SESSID[RAND] Technical Cookie - Stores the user's session on the CRM HostBill. Session
__cflb Technical Cookie - hCaptcha session. 1 day
INGRESSCOOKIE Technical Cookie - hCaptcha session. Session

B) Third-Party Cookies

Third-party cookies are those installed through third-party tools or plugins, not directly related to the Website. Third-party cookies have different purposes, such as monitoring the User's website usage, verifying the User's geographical origin, preferences expressed, and browser used, for statistical, marketing, and profiling purposes.


Crisp Chat (Crisp IM SAS)

For further information:


Stripe (Stripe Inc.)

For further information:

Paypal (Paypal Europe S.à.r.l. et Cie, S.C.A Inc.)

For further information:


Google Analytics (Google Ireland Limited)

Google Analytics is an analytics service provided by Google Ireland Limited. Google uses the collected Personal Data to track and examine the usage of this Website, compile reports, and share them with other Google services. Google may use third-party cookies for statistical analysis. Users can opt out of Google Analytics by refusing consent through the cookie banner or using the opt-out link. Collected Personal Data: Cookies and Usage Data. Location of processing: Ireland and, in some cases, the United States - Cookie Policy - Opt out.

Name Scope Expiration
_ga Registers a unique ID used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website. 2 anni
_ga_# Used by Google Analytics to collect data on the number of times the user has visited the website, as well as data for the first visit and the most recent visit. 2 anni

Deletion and Disabling of Cookies from Browsers

Each user can manage their browser settings to control cookie preferences by following the links below.


Mozilla Firefox:






Rights of the Interested Parties

The interested parties have the right to exercise the rights provided for in Articles 7, 15-22 of the Regulation. In particular, Users have the right to obtain: access, updating, rectification, or, when interested, integration of data; erasure, anonymization, or blocking of data processed unlawfully, including data that does not need to be retained for the purposes for which it was collected or subsequently processed; certification that the operations mentioned above have been disclosed, also regarding their content, to those to whom the data has been communicated or disseminated, unless this proves impossible or involves a disproportionate effort compared to the right being protected. Furthermore, Users have the right to withdraw their consent at any time, where the processing is based on their consent, to request data portability, i.e., to receive all personal data concerning them in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format, to request the limitation of the processing of personal data and/or erasure ("right to be forgotten"), as well as the right to object to the processing of personal data concerning them for the purpose of sending advertising materials, direct selling, or for carrying out market research. According to the Applicable Regulations, Data Controllers inform that Users have the right to obtain the following information: (i) the origin of personal data; (ii) the purposes and methods of processing; (iii) the logic applied in case of processing carried out with the aid of electronic instruments; (iv) the identification details of Data Controllers and Data Processors; (v) the subjects or categories of subjects to whom personal data may be communicated or who may become aware of it as Data Processors or Data Handlers. Interested parties may exercise their rights by sending a specific communication to the Data Controller via email at: [email protected]. Interested parties can use the following form to exercise their rights. Moreover, interested parties, if they believe that the processing concerning them violates the Regulation, also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Privacy Guarantor, which is the supervisory authority for the protection of personal data (Privacy Guarantor, headquartered at Piazza Venezia n. 11 - 00187 - Rome, Italy -

Further Information

The Data Controller, with reference to the cookies installed directly by the Site, specifies the following:

– Data is collected only for the purposes and duration indicated in the tables above and processed through computerized means;

– The use of technical cookies does not require the user's prior consent as they are necessary cookies to enable navigation within the Site and its correct functioning. If technical cookies are removed through browser settings, navigation within the Site may not be possible, in whole or in part;

– Data collected by first-party cookies may be communicated to subjects acting on behalf of the Data Controller as data processors or data handlers, for purposes related to those described above. Regarding this data, we remind you that you may exercise the rights provided under Art. 13 of the GDPR, as better described in the Privacy Policy.

List of installed cookies

For further information about the cookies installed through the Site, please refer to the following table.